In November 2003 I was introduced to CF-EA by my sisters – they brought me from an A & E Department to Declan Rothwell CF-EA Practitioner. I didn’t know where I was going and I didn’t care I felt so bad. l had lost a lot of weight and was far too thin, I had spent most of 2003 in A& E with an irregular heart beat. I had a lot of problems I was suffering from depression, anxiety, digestive and heart problems, low blood pressure and many more. Little did I know on that day in November my life was about to change forever. From my very first treatment I could feel the change.
I had often wondered what had happened to me that I had become so ill and it wasn’t until I had treatments of CF-EA that things became clearer to me. I had not grieved. In 1990 I and my daughter suffered a terrible loss. We lost a husband and father whom we loved so very deeply. Between 1990 and 2003 I was constantly ill – the strep throats were the worst, I was hospitalised on numerous occasions. CF-EA has helped me work my way through the many stages of grief and once I started to deal with the grief, very slowly I began to feel better I started to put on weight and from there all my complaints started to disappear one by one. The journey back has had its ups and downs and has been a long but also amazing one and I firmly believe that without CF-EA I would never have made it back from that dark place. I continue to have Acupuncture to help me deal with the stresses of everyday life.
My life now is very different thanks to Classical Five Elements Acupuncture – I’m Flying High.