Here’s something to help you even if you never come for acupuncture. The Ancient Chinese discovered that every organ in your body has a two hour period of maximum capacity. This means that for two hours only each organ in turn has more energy – is more dynamic than at any other time during the day.
Here’s some insight into this Chinese ‘body-clock’t hat will help your health and get more from your day. From 5am to 7am the Colon has more energy than at any other time during the 24 hour day. This therefore is the best time to defecate. If you are having any constipation issues try getting up earlier and after a month of this practice you may find that your bowel is more efficient – instead of 1/2 stools you may have a complete evacuation;the energy will be there for your bowel/colon at that time of the day to support balance and harmony in that organ. From 7am to 9am is the best time for the Stomach; thus the old adage – eat breakfast like a king; lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper!
So go have a big breakfast – it will metabolise your whole system – the stomach can take it at this time of the day more than any other time. It will give you more vitality more drive and energy during the day. Unfortunately what we do in the West is have our biggest meal of the day at 7-9pm the weakest time for the stomach. We eat and then shortly afterwards go to bed! so if you love someone go have breakfast with them rather than dinner late at night!! Obeying these natural laws without recourse to any system of medicine will help you.
Try it! It won’t cost a penny!